Escola Passos do Saber
2018 | Visual Identity • Graphic design
Graphic designer
Adson Rodrigues
Adson Rodrigues
Adson Rodrigues | 2024© All rights reserved
Perto de completar duas décadas educando crianças de dois a dez anos, a Escola Passos do Saber, localizada em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, estava sendo preparada desde 2018 para implementar tecnologias interativas, integrando aulas presenciais e ensino a distância em sua metodologia educacional.
Seguindo uma série de ajustes na nova identidade pedagógica da escola e novas ferramentas que seriam introduzidas em 2019, a equipe aproveitou a oportunidade para desenvolver uma nova identidade visual.
Este projeto foi feito para refletir a integração entre o mundo real e o digital. O logotipo foi tipografado com base na fonte Ostrich Sans Inline para as palavras "Passos" e "Saber", e a palavra "do" foi tipografada em Josefin Sans, sendo então rotacionada e manipulada para corresponder à aparência das letras da Ostrich Sans Inline e funcionar como um símbolo e elemento de apoio ao mesmo tempo. Também desenhei uma versão inspirada em pixels para expandir o conceito digital.
Close to completing two decades educating kids from two to ten years old, the School Passos do Saber (Passos do Saber School), based in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, was being prepared since 2018 to implement interactive technologies, integranting face to face classes and distance learning in their's educational methodology.
Following a series of adjustments to the school's new pedagogical identity, and new tools that was going to be introduced in 2019, their team took the oportunity to develop a new visual identity.
This project was done to reflect the integration between the real and the digital world. The wordmark was typed in Ostrich Sans Inline for the words 'Passos' and 'Saber', and the word 'do' was typed in Josefin Sans, and then that was rotated and manipulated to match Ostrich Sans Inline's letterforms appearance and to work as a symbol and support graphics at the same time. I also designed a pixel inspired version to expand the digital concept.
This project was done to reflect the integration between the real and the digital world. The wordmark was typed in Ostrich Sans Inline for the words 'Passos' and 'Saber', and the word 'do' was typed in Josefin Sans, and then that was rotated and manipulated to match Ostrich Sans Inline's letterforms appearance and to work as a symbol and support graphics at the same time. I also designed a pixel inspired version to expand the digital concept.